Jeff's Visit: Köln
On our second day in Köln, we again took to the streets on foot, and attempted to view as many of the sites as possible. Check below for the pics.
Pics from our second day in Köln.
The streets of Köln!
No autographs please!
Ahhh how cute!

I think this guy could make music out of any simple household item...
Even musicians from Australia ply their trade in Köln!
Under St. Martin's Viertel. These are old Roman ruins...

Ignore the yawn... I was really excited!
Hard to imagine just how old these ruins actually are...

I glow in the dark!!

Maybe we would build our own Roman temples!

Time for confessions!

He had alot fo confess.. bad boy...

Here let me move this pillar for you...

Wimp, get out of the way!

The Rathhaus (City Hall).

Rathhaus up closer.
Check out more pics from Köln.