A view from the top of the Dom
Here you can see another church, Martin's Viertel, itself quite large but dwarfed by the Köln Cathedral...
I always hate the fact that people can deface such historic monuments with graffiti....

The stonework is indeed impressive!
The light from the heavens!
The trains must cross over the Rhein to enter the HBF.

The blue building on the right is a large musical hall.
After the Dom, we decided to get some food and beers in a Brauhaus (brew house). These small beers are traditional for Köln called Kölsch.

The boys easily drain a few glasses!

Irene's dish... All our food was traditionally Bavaria I think... I don't think she liked it...

Can't remember what that was...

My food was ok!!

After feeding our stomachs it was time to pass out... (we were acting!)

Not only did ghosts inhabit the Dom, but they also followed us into our hostel room!!

Time to make up the beds!

Wow looks like fun! (Irene why did you take these pictures?!!??)

A bed making party!

We went out to the Sonderbar (Specialbar for 'special people'). Jeff was definitely one of them! I see drool on the side of his face!!

These guys were special indeed. They volunteered to get into this cage together...

They are having way too much fun...

At least the Sonderbar can live up to its name!

The Boondock Saints!

Don't mess with us!